Do you challenge yourself daily? Join us in a conversation from the roundtable about making a conscious effort to challenge yourself and how it can have a positive effect on your mental health. If you want to learn about the importance of challenging yourself, then this episode is for you! Here are two reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover the benefits of challenging...
Do you have a morning routine? Join us in a conversation from the roundtable about morning routines and how it can have an impact on your mental health. If you want to learn about morning routines, then this episode is for you! Here are two reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover the benefits of a morning routine.Understand how morning routines can look different, but still be...
Why is it so challenging to change a behavior once it has become a habit? Oftentimes, it can be hard to feel in control of your life, so you don’t put much effort into changing it. How can you kick the unhealthy behavior for good and start living the life you want? In this episode we discuss the Behavior Change Wheel along with the research behind why and how this framework can change...
What tiny change can we make to better our mental health? Turns out, it involves something that we look at on a daily basis, our phone and tv screens. Screen time is having detrimental effects on our mental health, so how can we change this habit? In this episode we discuss the negative effects of screen and tv usage along with the research behind why screen use is bad for our mental health. We...